
Skaala whistleblowing channel

The Whistleblower Act, which came into force in 2023, obliges companies to ensure that they offer the possibility to report abuse in a manner that is safe and protects the identity of the person submitting the report. Any retaliation against the person submitting the report is prohibited.

The Whistleblower Act concerns reports that concern public procurement, financial services, the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety, traffic safety, environmental protection, nuclear safety, the safety of food and feed, the health and well-being of animals, public health, consumer protection, the protection of privacy and personal data, and the security of network and information systems.

Skaala is committed to operating openly, transparently and in compliance with ethical principles.

Our claim – Respecting our northern nature – tells you that

  • As a company, we promote the sustainable development of northern nature.
  • As an employer, we are committed to taking care of our employees.
  • As an expert, we produce energy-efficient, long-lasting and high-quality solutions for northern conditions.
  • As a partner, we serve our customers with expertise and nurture long-term customer relationships and partnerships.


Please note that the whistleblowing channel is not intended for ordinary customer feedback or complaints.  Please use our feedback form. 

For HR-related topics, please contact hr(at)skaala.com.

Anonymous channel

We use an anonymous whistleblowing reporting channel. Through the reporting channel, we provide an opportunity for employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders to report potential misconduct or suspicion of conduct that does not comply with ethical principles. All reports are treated confidentially. You don’t need to have actual evidence to support your suspicions. However, knowingly leaving false reports on the service is prohibited and may lead to further action.

Primarily in case of disagreements and problems, we recommend you to contact the person responsible. If this is not possible for some reason, the supervisor’s supervisor, HR or EMC-members can act as contact persons in the matter. The reporting channel is intended only for reporting suspected misconduct, customer feedback must be submitted using the normal channel (link above).

We take seriously any suspicions of potentially illegal or unethical activity and encourage you to bring them to our attention whenever there are grounds for doing so. All reports are handled confidentially by Skaala’s Whistleblowing team

The whistleblowing service is provided by a third party, and the platform is encrypted and password protected. Metadata is not stored and IP addresses cannot be traced, making it impossible to identify an anonymous whistleblower. After submitting the notification, you will receive an ID and password, which you must save when submitting the notification. The notification can be submitted in Finnish or English, unfortunately notifications made in other languages cannot be processed.

More information about data collection and processing can be found in Skaala’s privacy policy.

Once you’ve submitted your notification, you’ll get an ID and password on the screen. Save them in a safe place, as you can log in to the service afterwards and follow the processing of the matter only with your username and password.

Leave your notification below

skaala’s whistleblowing channel